September 12, 2024, 12:03 PMUPDATE 1
September 05, 2024, 10:55 AM6-4-2024 UPDATE
June 04, 2024, 07:21 PMI realize it’s been awhile since you’ve seen an event. I’ve been in problem-solving mode (in more ways than one), but I wanted to let you know what I’ve been working on. If you’re one of those people who enjoys resolution and happy endings, I don’t have any of those yet, so you won’t find that in this post.
I’ll start with a prediction:
In 3-5 years, there will be a a hit song that was 95% (or more) generated by AI.
We’ll find that out after it’s become a hit. Followers of music content creators - overnight - will no longer be sure that the creators they follow are actually displaying any talent or skill. Revenue streams from music content creation will dry up, and the only sources of revenue that will remain in the music industry will be in instrument/ equipment repairs and live music…
…until the first “live” act is caught miming over the top of an AI-generated backing track.
It goes without saying that AI will never the individual experience of playing music, but its far less certain whether audiences will show a preference for human-created, inherently-flawed performances over what AI will be churning out.
Going all-in on live music is increasingly risky from more angles than just that. Who’s liable if there’s an accident or injury at your show? The promoter? The venue? The headlining act?
It all depends on how the show was arranged, organized, and advertised - and sometimes more than one entity can be held responsible.
Those are the questions that I’m looking for answers to…and why you haven’t seen any events for longer than I had hoped.
I hope I have good news to share sometime this Fall. Meanwhile - if you perform live music or host live music events - please consider all of this. Working together with other stakeholders never hurt anything, but in the absence of that kind of cooperation, it might also be a good idea to start looking at other options.