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Xband was conceived in the Spring of 2006, in response to a noted, serious decline in Jazz Band audiences and interest.

Over much of the course of the next weekend, a new, much less restrictive name was sought for the Jazz Band…without success. More time was spent looking at a sheet of paper with the words "Jazz Band" written on it than is probably considered healthy, and in an act of frustration at 3:30AM on a sofa in Tiffin Ohio, the word "Jazz" was crossed out. When the paper was rediscovered in the morning, the "Xband" was born.

Over the course of the next 16 years, the group underwent many refinements and reorganizations. Bags of tricks were filled, emptied, and re-filled, resulting in an energetic, tenacious school-sponsored band unique to the area…and possibly the state: The Xband.

There were shows at the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame. There were shows booked in Cleveland and Columbus. There were invitations to play on live TV. There was even some early interest expressed by talent scouts. Unfortunately in a case of tragically poor timing and legendary pettiness (and for other reasons we won’t get into (yet - or unless we need to)…

…Xband disappeared from your live music stages and your music services.

Today we’re announcing that - if you’re a member of one of many of Crawford County’s (OH) many incredible high school bands and choirs - you may want to keep an eye on this space.

After three years - Xband is home. Its members will be people you know, or if you want it bad enough - maybe you.

Look for our first promotion next week, which will be designed to gauge interest and start building the kind of group our area used to have - and will again with your contributions.

If you supported this group in the past, we’re hoping we can count on you again. There are exciting things ahead, but the first steps will be measured and careful.

"Xband" is a registered trademark. 2024 All Rights Reserved.